'Flavor of Sweets' & 'Bleed and Scar'

Starting from today there will be another add on, 
that's the 'Flavor of sweets' for everyday.
Bleed&Scar :'(

I thought today would be an awesome day since yesterday night have a sweet dream <3
but never thought that today something I don't really wish just happened
The First Conflict, First time argue, first time misunderstand with you , Silly :'(

All I just want to spent more time with you but I realize I shouldn't be that greedy .That's why I said I shouldn't be that sticky should control myself. That's the misunderstand start from .
Never thought morning the disaster start o.O . You didn't reply any of my massage until you just reply me when i asked need I fetch you , you just reply me No need . I realize something not good happened =(
I shouted alone in car ,holding my tears . Suffer :'(

about the detail, I'll skip it
Just gonna say, My heart bleed & leave a 'Scar' over there . I just don't wish there another conflict again .

Flavor: ' Blood&Scar, Madness&Rage,' Roar!*
Quote : Please appreciate and learn the lesson from your Love


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